Wild Tails stocks 18 varieties of Totally Natural raw food for dogs. The loose mince comes in 1Kg bags.
It is very popular with our customers. How popular? Well, we sell half a ton in less than 2 weeks, so we would say, very!
Use the TN10 Coupon Code at the Checkout Page when you spend over £32 on any mix of Totally Natural and get 10% off (it’s like having a free bag!)
That’s 10kg of quality raw food from as little as £28.80! (or from just 29p per 100g)
The Wild Tails view on Totally Natural…
We love it! Owners find it so easy to portion out Totally Natural. Break up the loose mince in the bag and then only poor out and defrost what is needed. The rest can go back in the freezer.
The majority of varieties contain the standard 80/10/10 mix of 80% meat, 10% bone and 10% offal.
Not all customers do this but if you wanted to make it Complete and Balanced, then you could also mix in small amounts of The Answer 500g from Naked Dog. Alternatively you could mix in small amounts of Dorwest Keepers Mix 500g – for all round herbal health.
All those ‘tripe addicts’ out there will be pleased to know that 4 varieites contain tripe.
Only four varieties contain chicken, so if your dog is allergic then it’s easy to have a nice varied mix and still avoid chicken.
We also have a number of varieties with NO Offal for those dogs that are sensitive to offal.
Dibo Totally Natural Beef and Offal 1kg
£3.50 -
Dibo Totally Natural Lamb and Offal 1kg Bag
£3.60 -
Dibo Totally Natural Chicken Tripe and Offal 1kg Bag
£3.30 -
Dibo Totally Natural Chicken Beef and Offal 1kg Bag
£3.30 -
Dibo Totally Natural Chicken Salmon and Offal 1kg bag
£3.50 -
Dibo Totally Natural Chicken Rabbit and Offal 1kg Bag
£3.55 -
Dibo Totally Natural Turkey Tripe and Offal 1kg
£3.40 -
Dibo Totally Natural Turkey Lamb and Offal 1kg Bag
£3.70 -
Dibo Totally Natural Duck Tripe and Offal 1kg Bag
£3.40 -
Dibo Totally Natural Duck Beef and Offal 1kg Bag
£3.40 -
Dibo Totally Natural Duck Lamb and Offal 1kg Bag
£3.80 -
Dibo Totally Natural Goose Beef and Offal 1kg
£3.50 -
Dibo Totally Natural Goose Tripe and Offal 1kg Bag
£3.70 -
Dibo Totally Natural Goose Lamb and Offal 1kg
£3.80 -
Dibo Totally Natural Duck Rabbit and Offal 1Kg Bag
£3.99 -
Dibo Totally Natural Duck and Rabbit NO OFFAL 1Kg Bag
£3.99 -
Dibo Totally Natural Turkey Salmon and Offal 1kg
£3.50 -
Dibo Totally Natural Venison Tripe and Offal 1kg